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WHEREAS, Santa Barbara County agriculture accounts for $1.9 billion in annual sales;and

WHEREAS, Santa Barbara County agriculture competes in a global environment; and

WHEREAS, the average farm net profits typically run between 2-4%; and

WHEREAS, any attempt to artificially set wage floors only applicable in Santa Barbara county will result in the inability of farms to remain competitive and viable; and

WHEREAS, the precedent set by an industry-specific minimum wage could lead to calls for similar increases in manufacturing and other sectors; and

WHEREAS, this proposed minimum wage increase could also trigger demands to raise wages for nonminimum-wage positions, further increasing labor costs across many sectors; and

WHEREAS, the cumulative effect of these proposed wage increase pressures would be a reduction in competitiveness for our county’s businesses; and

WHEREAS, these proposed minimum wage increases could lead to the potential relocation of companies to other regions with more sustainable wage requirements.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce oppose any proposal to artificially establish a minimum wage in the agriculture industry or any other sector of the economy.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce Board on this 23rd day of September 2024.


Emily Kitts, Chair of the Board

Michael Boyer, Secretary & Treasurer of the Board, President & CEO

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