AutoAuto RepairFinance
About Us
For more than two decades, our dealer group has been serving drivers in Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara. As a family-owned dealership, we value the same things that you do: transparency, hard work, and community. That’s why we provide you with upfront pricing, a hard-working team of passionate individuals to help with your every need, and a dealership that gets involved with the community. We’re located in Santa Maria, and you may have seen us at some of our community gatherings We also take great pride in supporting youth education through donations to our local schools. When you visit Kia Santa Maria, you’ll feel our values in everything that we do, from selling cars to fixing cars and everything in between.
Our Mission Statement
''To consistently exceed the expectations of our customers & associates so that Kia Santa Maria is recognized as the dealership and employer of choice on the central coast.''
Our Core Values:
-Energy & Enthusiasm
-Servant Mindset
-Earn & Deserve
-Sense of Urgency
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