office hours 8 - 5, M- F
Call and we will schedule a time to visit your company
Driving Directions:
go north on 101, take 4th street exit. Go right then left on James Way. 310 is 2nd building on left when you enter park. suite 150 is on bottom floor. Parking is passed building.
About Us
Let Aflac show you how to provide a safety net for your employees. We AFLAC can improve company benefits, improve employee loyalty, save tax expenses for employees and your company, reduce company work comp premiums, and all at no cost to the business.
We assist over 1,000 businesses in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties by providing voluntary benefit plans and tax savings to both businesses and their employees .
By allowing us 20 minutes of your time you will be able to see if Aflac is a fit for your company.
- Disability Insurance
- Cancer Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Hospital Insurance
- Life Insurance